Sunday, June 12, 2011

Official - New Commitments!

We are now officially listed as a newly committed family on Reece's Rainbow New Commitments page! How exciting! Another small step forward! And to see it "in print" makes it feel even more real.

Our Family Support Page (FSP) is set up with a PayPal button ready to receive donations from folks who would like to help toward our adoption expenses. Contributions to this fund are made through Reece's Rainbow and are tax-deductible, as allowed by IRS regulations. Donations can also be paid by check and mailed directly to Reece's Rainbow (* info below). These grant funds will be made available to us only after we receive our travel date and have the appointments to meet and officially adopt our girls in their country.

It is estimated that the total adoption costs will be around $30,000 for both children. The government of their country does NOT receive any money specifically for their adoption. They only receive the fees to process and generate their passports to leave. The bulk of the costs will go toward our travel expenses to their country and housing and transportation while we are there (4-7 weeks), as well as paying the facilitators in-country who will handle all of the ground work with paperwork filing, processing and arrangements to make it all happen within their legal system.

Yes, it seems like a ridiculous ransom, but the value of their lives is priceless. I just remember the ransom of Jesus' life that God chose to pay for us to live eternally with Him, and this money pales in comparison.

A super friend is already working on a fundraising opportunity through her business. I will share more info as we get the details finished. Another quilting friend is working on a couple of beautiful giveaway items. Oh, I can hardly wait to see the finished products! And still others have already expressed interest in helping us with other activities to raise funds. I'm so very thankful and humbled by their generosity of time and talents. God is already answering our prayers for provision.

I am creating coin banks to collect pocket change to "Change a Child's Life." Our credit union allows us to cash in loose change without charging the typical 1% fee of the popular coin machines. If you would like one, please email me, and I will arrange to get one to you. These funds will be used to help offset the up-front costs of adoption (home study and USCIS applications) and are not considered a tax-deductible donation.

Your prayers, encouragement, help and support are vital to this rescue mission. Thank you!


* Checks can be mailed directly to Reece's Rainbow, PO Box 4024, Gaithersburg, MD, 20885. Please designate "For Eubanks/Shawna & Lindsay" on your check so they will be accounted to our FSP.


  1. YAHOO! So excited for these two sweet girls and for your family. We are in country now adopting Dariya. We can't wait to follow your journey

  2. I am so excited for your family! The girls have no idea how blessed they are going to be!

  3. I just sent you an email to the address listed on your blog profile. I am SO, SO excited to have these girls coming to our area. Oh my goodness. I hope I will be able to help in the months to come to relieve some of the financial burden on your family. Best wishes for a speedy process and quickly filling bank accounts (and FSP accounts). ;-)

  4. Welcome to the grand adventure!! We are adopting with Reece's Rainbow as well and live right outside of San Antonio. Feel free to send me an email at jessica(dot)vaness(at)gmail(dot)com if you have any questions or want to talk! Prayers!

  5. Amazing!! So happy to hear these two beauties will be coming home! I, ironically enough, just posted about them on my blog for Waiting Wednesday a few weeks back and mentioned what great sisters they'd be if only someone would take that leap of faith and adopt them together! So happy you did.

    (for some reason, blogger wont let me write a comment with my Google Accout so, I had to chose Anonymous! :(
